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Masukan tanggal hari pertama bunda mengalami menstruasi
bagai mana biar temen masuk ke info bunda?apa bb tidak bisa ikut gabung?
dok temen q yeyen sudah lama menikah tapi belum di karunia sworang anak,bagaimana caranya supaya beliau cepet memiliki baby dan beliau ingin masuk ke info bunda tapi ndak bisa?bgm carana buat temen q gabung ke info bunda
10 October 2013, 16:47 1
masa subur
siang dr. bagamana cara mengetahui masa subur. ini saya mau program anak ke 2
10 October 2013, 15:55 1
chiquita azzahra
siang dok. usia kehamilan saya sdh 35 minggu tp berat janin saya msh dbwh normal yaitu 1800 gr. bgmn agar berat janin mjd normal? dan apakh ada pengaruhny nanti ketika persalinan? mohon infonya ya dok. terima kasih
10 October 2013, 10:25 5
usia kehamilan saya 32w , cm baby nya geraknya jarang... sudah saya tanya kebidan, gak ada masalah katanya. apa itu wajar-wajar saja?
09 October 2013, 23:49 3
BAB bayi normal
mau tanya dok anak kedua sayb umur 2 bulan 2minggu..bab nya kok jarang, bisa seminggu sekali malah terakhir ni 2mingg ade baru bab,, terakhir bab minggu 6 okt..skrang sudah 3hari dia blum bab lg..kira2 normalkah bab bayi saya, berbahaya tidak? apa yg harus saya lakukan? mohon bantuan jwabannya ya ..terimakasih
09 October 2013, 22:06 0
menstruasi stlah mlhirkan
mlm dok,mau tnya.stlah sya mlhirkan bln maret lalu sya bru mens agstus kmren tpi stlah tu bln septmber ga mens bru mens lgi awal oktber ini.sya blom kb apa2 alias kb alami.apkah kmngkinan bsa hmil lgi dok?mhon jwbnya dok.trims uswatun kh
09 October 2013, 18:17 8
obat mata
Anak sya umur 5 bln, tp mata kirinya msh keluar belek dari bayi ga sembuh". Mohon sarannya.
09 October 2013, 14:54 6
bayi demam dan mata merah
aslm. mau nanya nih kl obat demam dan mata merah yg bagus buat bayi apa ya? udah dua hari ini anak sy (9month) demam 38-39°c dan matanya merah serta keluar kotoran mata terus. saya minumin sanmol drop tiap6 jam tp msh panas, oleh dokter diberi amoxan tp blm saya minumin karena setelah sy baca2 antibiotik kurang bgs diberikan kpd bayi. mohon pencerahannya, terima kasih, was Untuk obat demam, Anda bisa mencoba paracetamol yang khusus untuk bayi, seperti Sanmol Drop yang s...
09 October 2013, 14:10 0
bayi demam dan mata merah
What is a good fever and red eye medicine for a 9-month-old baby? My child has had a fever of 38-39°C and red eyes with discharge for two days now. I have been giving Sanmol drops every 6 hours but the fever is still present. The doctor prescribed Amoxan but I haven't given it yet because I read that antibiotics are not recommended for babies. Can you please advise? Thank you.
09 October 2013, 14:10 0
bayi demam dan mata merah
What is a good fever and red eye medicine for a 9-month-old baby? My child has had a fever of 38-39°C and red eyes with discharge for two days now. I have been giving Sanmol drops every 6 hours but the fever is still present. The doctor prescribed Amoxan but I haven't given it yet because I read that antibiotics are not recommended for babies. Can you please advise? Thank you.
09 October 2013, 14:10 0
bayi demam dan mata merah
What is a good fever and red eye medicine for a 9-month-old baby? My child has had a fever of 38-39°C and red eyes with discharge for two days now. I have been giving Sanmol drops every 6 hours but the fever is still present. The doctor prescribed Amoxan but I haven't given it yet because I read that antibiotics are not recommended for babies. Can you please advise? Thank you.
09 October 2013, 14:10 0
bayi demam dan mata merah
What is a good fever and red eye medicine for a 9-month-old baby? My child has had a fever of 38-39°C and red eyes with discharge for two days now. I have been giving Sanmol drops every 6 hours but the fever is still present. The doctor prescribed Amoxan but I haven't given it yet because I read that antibiotics are not recommended for babies. Can you please advise? Thank you.
09 October 2013, 14:10 0
bayi demam dan mata merah
What is a good fever and red eye medicine for a 9-month-old baby? My child has had a fever of 38-39°C and red eyes with discharge for two days now. I have been giving Sanmol drops every 6 hours but the fever is still present. The doctor prescribed Amoxan but I haven't given it yet because I read that antibiotics are not recommended for babies. Can you please advise? Thank you.
09 October 2013, 14:10 0
bayi demam dan mata merah
What is a good fever and red eye medicine for a 9-month-old baby? My child has had a fever of 38-39°C and red eyes with discharge for two days now. I have been giving Sanmol drops every 6 hours but the fever is still present. The doctor prescribed Amoxan but I haven't given it yet because I read that antibiotics are not recommended for babies. Can you please advise? Thank you.
09 October 2013, 14:10 0
bayi demam dan mata merah
What is a good fever and red eye medicine for a 9-month-old baby? My child has had a fever of 38-39°C and red eyes with discharge for two days now. I have been giving Sanmol drops every 6 hours but the fever is still present. The doctor prescribed Amoxan but I haven't given it yet because I read that antibiotics are not recommended for babies. Can you please advise? Thank you.
09 October 2013, 14:10 0