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Blog -- Cari: cripsa obat untuk stop asi

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Blog posted on 03-09-2020
The amount of money charged by pest exterminating companies is not the same. Different pests require different methods of removal. Every company has set its charging amount. However, the cost varies greatly by type of pest. The approximate value to hire an exterminator is $60 to $295.

Pests are annoying insects that harm crops, livestock, forestry, or cause a nuisance to folks,

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Blog posted on 10-07-2011
minggu2  yg berat aku lalui sendiri,udah 4 hari ayah ga bsa plg coz msh byk krjan,kepengin telp agar ayah cpt plg tp ga enak coz ayah jg lg cari duit buat makan kita,rasanya bingung, cape campur aduk yg aku rasain minggu2 ini bolak balik krj n ngurus faris sendirian tanpa ayah, faris lg sakit batuk pilek, kmr malem badannya panas, udah aku kasih penurun panas dan dikompres air hangat,

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Blog posted on 25-06-2007
Aku lagi pilek..terpaksa deh ingusnya meler terus tapi sama mama aku sudah dibawa ke dokter & sudah minum, gini-gini aku gak susah lho minum obat kalau mama bilang minum obat mulutku sudah siap manggap deh dan..hap..abis obatnya kuminum...
Pagi-pagi setelah aku mandi, papa langsung deh suruh aku senyum ...terus jepret..aku difoto papa..tapi denger tuh mama ngomel-ngomel

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Blog posted on 31-07-2010
I still can't forget the day I hardly earned my breath to strugle till I saw you,u just popped !
First time I touch your fingers, they r so tiny I almost think that they were boneless..
First time I touch your hair,so soft,beautiful hair colour..
First time I saw your wide eyes,and you look at me back..I feel like I'm the one who just born in this world..
Your skin

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Blog posted on 21-11-2018
Buses are a remarkable approach to travel from Panvel to Surat. Essentially after, they (transport workers) take perfectly care of you. In venture with my own understanding of crossing to Surat was first evaluated. Together with a companion, I was once making a trip to Surat just to take a break from the tiring work presence. Surat is outstanding for its business focus of materials and jewels.

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Blog posted on 15-10-2018
Ameerpet is filled with colleges and is a residential hub. Travellers/visitors usually opt to stay around Ameerpet due to various purposes. Disparate categories of travellers visit this place and they tend to book any of the hotels near Ameerpet, Hyderabad. This place is mainly known as the software training hub in India. Students from all over the country come to Ameerpet to get training

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Blog posted on 06-02-2013
Jumat 11 Januari 2013 16.30 jadwal kontrol ke praktek dokter Yoga, dan beliau mengatakan bahwa janin yang saya kandung sudah terlalu besar yakni 3,8 kg dan harus segera dilahirkan secepatnya dengan cara induksi (diberi obat perangsang). Alhasil saya dan suami langsung mengambil langkah cepat untuk esok hari yakni sabtu 12 Januari 2013 kami mempersiapkan diri untuk menjalani proses melahirkan

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Blog posted on 11-01-2008's..
Aq ada crita sedih neh.Tgl 4 jan kmrn,si kakak,Shifa lg skt.Muntah berak gt.Pake panas tinggi lg.Dua kali ke dokter ga ada hasil.Saran dokter agar opname aja.Waduh aq ga tega.Selain itu yg adek,Saffa kan msh ASI neh??kasian klo tak tinggal.Jd aq rawat dirmh aja.Obat jln.Aq putus asa jg krn hasilnya blm keliatan.Kuputuskan opname.Tp klg besar keberatan.Akhirnya dicarikan obat

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Blog posted on 15-01-2013
i got good news for you..

"i'm pregnant!!!! wew....." *shout loudly*

ahahahaa. i just couldnt believe that i have an unborn baby in my body.

i hope all that is well... i hope everything goes fun until the baby born to the world...

it's 6 weeks already...

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Blog posted on 18-02-2012
Kami berdua kembali mengunjungi Pak Dokter yang berlokasi di Dalung sehari setelah hasil testpack menunjukkan positif. Kali ini aku ditimbang berat badannya dan diukur tensi darahnya. Berat badan 52 kg dengan tensi 120/80.
Kata Dokter, kandunganku sehat dan diberi obat Folic Acid untuk pembentukan sel baru dan sel otak baby tentunya. Selain itu diberi juga

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Blog posted on 05-07-2007
eh...coba liat deh bedak nya alika ih...tebel banget....ya...ini gambar saat alika minum obat,....

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Blog posted on 20-04-2009
Hari jumat kemarin Bintang panas sekali,ku kira itu hanya panas biasa,dan aku hanya beri dia obat parasetamol,dan sore harinya tetepa ku mandikan dia.Tapi malam harinya dia gk bisa tidur nangis terus,dan batuk gk mau berhenti2,wah kenapa nih bintangku.Ayahnya sampai mau tidur gk bisa tidur,dan pada malam itu ayahnya capek banget habis banyak kerjaan di tempat kerjanya.Dan al hasil bintang

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Blog posted on 15-11-2011
 being a mom is such a privilege. even i'm not giving birth yet, but i feel this. i feel my baby. i feel everything. i feel like i want to give my baby everything s/he needs! i want my baby to be healthy, i want him to be safe and warm. i want him to be okay. so i keep browsing and browsing for baby's best! i really don't want something ever happened to him. really.
may be this is

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Blog posted on 24-11-2015
Hi..ak mau berbagi cerita mungkin bsa memecahkan masalahki ini. Anakku(KAKA)1m 4w. dia asi.. cepat sekali gemuknya karna asi. tapi semakin kesini anakku semakin kurus..produksi asi ku smakin berkurang ak sudah mencoba teh asi booster,minum susu menyusui,katuk,minum susu kedelai, minum vitamin utk asi sm lacta2 gtu. tetap mulai kering mungkin karna ak stress mengurus anakku sendiri dan suami jauh.

Blog belongs to group

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Blog posted on 21-01-2008
ass wr wb,

hey temen2 semua?kbrnya gmn?smg sll dlm keadaan sehat2 yaa.Aminnn...
klo kabar dari zahwa n keluarga, kabar sedih nich temen2 karena ayah, bunda n zahwa lagi sakit batuk n flu. khususnya zahwa sekarang di tambah muntah sehabis makan n nyusu, bunda bener2 sedih deh liatnya. selain jadwal campak yg tertunda zahwapun rewel mungkin badannya yg tidak enak yaa..bunda