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Blog -- Cari: sun hope deep sea dpt mencerdaskan anak

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Blog posted on 15-01-2013
i got good news for you..

"i'm pregnant!!!! wew....." *shout loudly*

ahahahaa. i just couldnt believe that i have an unborn baby in my body.

i hope all that is well... i hope everything goes fun until the baby born to the world...

it's 6 weeks already...

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Blog posted on 12-08-2008
deep sleep

kebiasaan orang tua saya
adalah membangunkan balitanya
kapan pun mereka mau,
walapun balitanya sedang tidur nyenyak,
jika sudah tiba waktunya untuk
pergi ke undangan,
atau pun acara keluarga,
dan saat itu balitanya mau tidak mau,
memang harus ikut.

Orang tua saya bilang:
“anak masih kecil,

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Blog posted on 25-09-2018
Coimbatore is a major city arranged in the southern territory of Tamil Nadu, speckled with various attractions like Marudamalai sanctuary, Patteeswarar Swamy Temple and some more.  Find all kinds of hotels in Hope College Coimbatore on redbus in , this allows any user to select their preferred location of accommodation in the Coimbatore and choose any type of hotel room satisfying their

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Blog posted on 08-07-2008
Iam so happy...coz I can pregnant again after a year of our daughter b\\\'day. I never know before,,,but thats Ok!!! it\\\'s mean that Alloh S.W.T still believe me to have have another kids again....
worriiied???of course,because Iam born with sexio caesar 1 years ago.but docter said, it\\\'s ok and save after a years!!
Thank you Alloh....hopefully everything is OK and always with

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Blog posted on 03-06-2016
Apa nama nutrisi atau kandungan di dalam susu balita yang bisa mencerdaskan otak? Kebanyakan akan menjawab omega 3. Mungkin ibu banyak membaca seputar nutrisi baik untuk balita dan tahu selain omega 3, AA dan DHA juga tak kalah penting untuk mencerdaskan otak.

Namun, tahukah ibu ada zat atau nutrisi lain yang juga mempengaruhi kecerdasan otak anak? Itu adalah fosfor. Kandungan

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Blog posted on 04-12-2009
pa kabar bunda2... aku skrg lg hamil 4 bulan. ini kehamilan pertamaku. rasanya bahagia bwanget. diusia pernikahan 3 minggu, aku langsung dapat amanat dari Allah, untuk hamil. Alhamdulillah ya Robb...

kemaren abiz dari dokter obsgin. dokter bilang bayiku sehat2 aja n masie imut katanya. duuh.. aku jadi tambah gemez n ga sabar cepet2 pgn liat si dede. waktu di usg, kata dokter

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Blog posted on 20-08-2010
bunda, semua..... aku mw nanya, aku terakhir M tanggal 17 juli kemaren,trus sampe hari ini aku masih blm M, kemaren sih sempet ke dsog trus pas d usg masih blom keliatan, trus aku dsuruh pake test pack hasil dua garis tp yg satu samar.. n dokter langsung bilang aku positif, aku dikasih obat folac.. kira2 aku hamil ga ya?? soalnya tanda2 yg aku rasain kaya mw dateng M, trus obat yg dikasih

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Blog posted on 15-11-2011
 being a mom is such a privilege. even i'm not giving birth yet, but i feel this. i feel my baby. i feel everything. i feel like i want to give my baby everything s/he needs! i want my baby to be healthy, i want him to be safe and warm. i want him to be okay. so i keep browsing and browsing for baby's best! i really don't want something ever happened to him. really.
may be this is

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Blog posted on 30-01-2010


Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Karakter umum:

Ini dia bayi favorit para orang tua. Bayi Virgo begitu manis dan ramah, selalu tak lupa menyunggingkan senyum setiap kali orang memandang. Ia juga begitu tenang dan tak pernah sulit diatur, terutama dalam menjalankan rutinitas sehari-hari. Namun, untuk urusan makan, ia memang agak

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Blog posted on 04-03-2008
26 Feb 07 Asya lahir, hari Senin
26 Feb 08 Asya ultah, hari Selasa :(
Jadinya cuman ada kue tart mini and lilin, tiup lilin ama Bunda, Nene, Kake and Tante Inge..
Trus Asya makan sop iga bakar, hahaha Bunda tega ya ngasih Asya makanan orang dewasa???!!!

Tapi ternyata Bunda bikin acara ultah buat Asya di McDonald Pasirkaliki Bandung.. Hari Sabtunya, tanggal 1

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Blog posted on 12-08-2008
Hari minggu malem, setelah pulang dari rumah mama di pondok gede, kita (aku dan hubby) mampir beli martabak telor di tempat langganan...sekalian nambahin lauk di rumah...

selese makan tidak terjadi apa2 sama kita malam harinya...TAPiii...pagi2 sebelum berangkat ke kantor aku dan hubby rebutan kamar mandi gara2nya udah mules2..

dan kejadian ini berlangsung sepanjang

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Blog posted on 30-10-2010
Dear Bunda who read my blog,
I just want to share about my feel this night. And I hope to get peacefull after I wrote this,

Mungkin bisa dibilang terlalu cepat untuk kami, berharap pada Allah SWT menitipkan  ‘dia’ pada kami. Usia pernikahan  kami baru menginjak usia 4 bulan tgl 2 Nov besok, tapi memang jujur saja keinginan untuk mndapatkan

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Blog posted on 26-09-2018
Bangalore, viewed as one of the significantly developed cities in India. People staying in Bangalore and working in colossal organisations, overall search for a comfy mode of travel whilst arising with plans of taking a trip to Mysore. Therefore, the city is well-networked roadways, railways and airways fulfilling sudden travel specifications of men and women. Commuters looking for a quick escape

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Blog posted on 26-09-2018
Bangalore, viewed as one of the significantly developed cities in India. People staying in Bangalore and working in colossal organisations, overall search for a comfy mode of travel whilst arising with plans of taking a trip to Mysore. Therefore, the city is well-networked roadways, railways and airways fulfilling sudden travel specifications of men and women. Commuters looking for a quick escape

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Blog posted on 26-09-2018
Bangalore, viewed as one of the significantly developed cities in India. People staying in Bangalore and working in colossal organisations, overall search for a comfy mode of travel whilst arising with plans of taking a trip to Mysore. Therefore, the city is well-networked roadways, railways and airways fulfilling sudden travel specifications of men and women. Commuters looking for a quick escape