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Blog -- Cari: toko yang jual hair clip di mall mangga

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Blog posted on 25-09-2007

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Blog posted on 25-11-2007
Halloo, namaku Elisabeth Davina Quinn Andisca, aku lahir hari Sabtu 7 April 2007 di RS. Islam Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat. Sekarang usiaku sudah 7.5 bulan..dan tau kah teman-teman....pd hari ini, sabtu 24 Nov 2007, aku diajak jalan ke mall Senayan City untuk pertama kalinya. Aku pergi bersama Mommy, Suster dan Bi Nah :)
Kami berangkat dari rumah jam 10 dari rumah. Sebelum kesana, kami

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Blog posted on 02-06-2022
While the age-old question “Do blondes really have more fun?” may never be answered, one thing’s for sure: There are more options for blonde hair colors than ever before.

Classic blonde shades such as platinum and honey have been joined by tons of trending shades like Playboy blonde and champagne blush, giving every skin tone and hair color an opportunity to

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Blog posted on 31-07-2010
I still can't forget the day I hardly earned my breath to strugle till I saw you,u just popped !
First time I touch your fingers, they r so tiny I almost think that they were boneless..
First time I touch your hair,so soft,beautiful hair colour..
First time I saw your wide eyes,and you look at me back..I feel like I'm the one who just born in this world..
Your skin

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Blog posted on 12-02-2009
Dear bunda, ibu, mama dan mommy sekalian...

Mama mau kasih info produk aja, krn postingan mama kemaren ada yg nanya Aby maem vitamin apa...

Aby mama kasih vitamin kunyah-kunyah namanya imunno8 produk impor dari mana yah newzeland klo ga salah, hahaha lupa mama...

Postingan ini bukan promosi loh (lah wong mama ga dapet apa2 dari tuh vitamin hehe), mama

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Blog posted on 30-01-2008
***Salad Rambutan Yummy***
* 200 g mangga harum manis matang, potong dadu 2 cm

* 200 g rambutan kaleng

* 100 g stroberi, belah 4

* 50 g anggur merah, belah dua

* 50 g sereal koko crunch

* 4 btg wafer stik

Bahan Saus:
* 50 g susu kental manis putih

* 1/2 sdm air jeruk

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Blog posted on 11-12-2011
Saat sedang melayani customer, tiba-tiba temen kuliah manggil chatting..

Intinya temenku ini pengen tau bagaimana dunia Bisnis Online

Seperti yg kita ketahui, saat ini banyak sekali tumbuh Online Shop atau Toko online, baik di facebook, multiply, blogspot maupun sudah dalam bentuk website OS itu sendiri.

Kira-kira apa sech yg diperlukan sebagai

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Blog posted on 26-01-2012
my pregnancy age is going to be 16 weeks . :) alhamdulillah hope she'll be fine and healthy in my belly.. i just can't wait when she starts to mvoe!

while i wait my hubby who still working, i googled and found this very informative website!
it is a nice site tho' :)

so i copy all the article about my almost 16 weeks pregnant (15++). here we go:

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Blog posted on 04-07-2007
Tadinya sih..mau bergaya tapi senyum simpul aja deh biar dibilang cool gitu lho..


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Blog posted on 17-01-2008
Hello temen2 smua.. apa kabarnya? Mudah2 an semua sehat2 aja yaa. Amiinn
Syukur alhamdulillah malika sekeluarga juga dalam keadaan sehat walafiat.
Waah sudah lama sekali ya malika ga cerita2 di blog, abis nya gak ada yg menarik sih buat di certain, hhehheh. Malika sih sama aja kegiatannya seperti temen2 yg lainnya, bgtu juga tingkah lakunya juga sama sep temen2, maklum deh masih

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Blog posted on 05-04-2011

Semoga berarti buat mom semua,

Hati-Hati dengan Yang Namanya "YAYASAN SRI yang Terletak di DEPOK (PULOMANGGA2, Grogol LIMO), Yayasan ini sangat JAHATTTTT dan Penipu. Saya punya pengalaman Pahit dengan Yayasan Sri, semua PRT, BS yang ada di situ tidak bisa bekerja, Tukang Bohong dan sudah dilatih untuk berbohong oleh yang punya Yayasan. PIC nya sebenarnya cuma 1 orang

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Blog posted on 31-08-2018
That Singapore is one giant shopping mall is a fact I cannot deny, not when I have just recently visited and been swept off my feet by the Lion City. I shopped till I dropped, literally! I dropped on my hotel room bed, thankfully, but the happiness that came with packing bags upon bags of goodies to carry home cannot be replaced by any other.

Your shopping bonanza in Singapore

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Blog posted on 18-12-2018
That Singapore is one giant shopping mall is a fact I cannot deny, not when I have just recently visited and been swept off my feet by the Lion City. I shopped till I dropped, literally! I dropped on my hotel room bed, thankfully, but the happiness that came with packing bags upon bags of goodies to carry home cannot be replaced by any other. 

Your shopping bonanza

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Blog posted on 10-12-2009
A new supermarket was introduced in the capital recently, promising to provide organic products at an affordable price. The supermarket, located at Kelapa Gading Mall in North Jakarta , stocks everything from vegetables to spices.
Farmers Market will target its low-price organic products at customers from all walks of life, the supermarket’s chief operations officer Meshvara

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Blog posted on 19-09-2007
Udah hampir seminggu ga ngajak Daren keluar rumah, rasanya kasian juga ngeliat dia jenuh dirumah. So, berangkat deh kita ke rumah Tantenya yang di Cengkareng. Sesampainya disana malah diajak lagi jalan ke mall. Walah....
Memenuhi keinginan keponakan-keponakan tercinta, berangkat deh kita semua ke Mall terdekat. Baru sampai gerbang, Daren udah antusias banget pingin main boneka jalan