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Blog -- Cari: informasi biolysin multivitamin food sup

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Blog posted on 15-12-2013
Suplemen atau makanan tambahan bisa berupa vitamin, mineral atau zat gizi lainnya. Perlukah suplemen diberikan bagi si kecil? Mungkin si kecil tidak memerlukan tambahan suplemen karena selera makannya yang baik, atau menu hariannya yang lengkap dan memenuhi kebutuhan gizi dan nutrisinya.

Suplemen makanan untuk anak merupakan makanan kesehatan yang membantu pertumbuhan anak sehat.

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Blog posted on 15-01-2013
i got good news for you..

"i'm pregnant!!!! wew....." *shout loudly*

ahahahaa. i just couldnt believe that i have an unborn baby in my body.

i hope all that is well... i hope everything goes fun until the baby born to the world...

it's 6 weeks already...

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
The days of being served up an uninspiring dish and a plate of mushrooms after you ask for something vegetarian are long gone. Whether or not your reasons for seeking out something vegetarian, organic or any combination of these are for health, within the interests of animal welfare or out of concern for the atmosphere, there are many choices here in Singapore.

Travel within

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
The days of being served up an uninspiring dish and a plate of mushrooms after you ask for something vegetarian are long gone. Whether or not your reasons for seeking out something vegetarian, organic or any combination of these are for health, within the interests of animal welfare or out of concern for the atmosphere, there are many choices here in Singapore.

Travel within

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
The days of being served up an uninspiring dish and a plate of mushrooms after you ask for something vegetarian are long gone. Whether or not your reasons for seeking out something vegetarian, organic or any combination of these are for health, within the interests of animal welfare or out of concern for the atmosphere, there are many choices here in Singapore.

Travel within

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
A bus journey to the Top Veg Restaurants in Singapore


The days of being served up an uninspiring dish and a plate of mushrooms after you ask for something vegetarian are long gone. Whether or not your reasons for seeking out something vegetarian, organic or any combination of these are for health, within the interests of animal welfare or out of concern

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
A bus journey to the Top Veg Restaurants in Singapore


The days of being served up an uninspiring dish and a plate of mushrooms after you ask for something vegetarian are long gone. Whether or not your reasons for seeking out something vegetarian, organic or any combination of these are for health, within the interests of animal welfare or out of concern

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
A bus journey to the Top Veg Restaurants in Singapore


The days of being served up an uninspiring dish and a plate of mushrooms after you ask for something vegetarian are long gone. Whether or not your reasons for seeking out something vegetarian, organic or any combination of these are for health, within the interests of animal welfare or out of concern

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Blog posted on 21-11-2018
Buses are a remarkable approach to travel from Panvel to Surat. Essentially after, they (transport workers) take perfectly care of you. In venture with my own understanding of crossing to Surat was first evaluated. Together with a companion, I was once making a trip to Surat just to take a break from the tiring work presence. Surat is outstanding for its business focus of materials and jewels.

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Blog posted on 03-02-2016
Info ibu hamil kali ini akan membahas seputar ngidam. Informasi ini sepertinya harus diketahui oleh suami yang terkadang merasa jengkel lantaran sang istri ngidam hal-hal yang aneh. Apakah setiap wanita hamil yang ngidam harus dituruti? Itu pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan.

Bagi suami yang memiliki istri yang sedang hamil, sangat penting untuk mengetahui info ibu hamil

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Blog posted on 27-05-2015
Dear Bunda,

HATI-HATI! Banyak penipu yang menelpon Bunda dan menginformasikan bahwa putra/putrinya mengalami kecelakaan dan meminta pen transfer an uang untuk perawatan medis putra/i Bunda. Salah seorang Bunda telah menjadi korban dari kejadian ini.

Hal ini harus dihentikan, karena tidak hanya uang tapi pengalaman buruk untuk Bunda yang mengalami hal ini.

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Blog posted on 29-11-2007
ass wr wb,
hai temen2 dan bunda2 semua.apa kbrnya?smg selalu sehat dan baik2 yaa..alhamdulillah zahwa,bunda dan ayah sehat dan baik.
oya temen2 zahwa punya cerita nich..klo foto ini waktu zahwa lagi ikut acara arisan ayah. nah yang di sebelah zahwa ada kak syafna dan bunda santi/tante santi biasanya bunda menyebutnya seperti itu, kita makan di rumah makan sea food.wuihh enak deh liat

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Blog posted on 10-01-2009
Awal Januari Kemaren aku bersama Gaza ( 3th) dan Ayahnya jalan- ke Mall karena Gaza mau mencari buku bacaan.
Pada saat sibuk mencari keperluan masing-masing tiba-tiba aku teringat Gaza. Aku Tanya sama Ayahnya
kemana Gaza gak kelihatan. Ayahnya bilang Gak tahu. Ayahnya hanya bilang: “ bentar lagi pasti ada pengumuman..”
Betul juga beberapa detik kemudian terdengar dari ruang

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Blog posted on 24-09-2008
Dear Bunda Sahabatku

sebenarnya sudah beberapa kali aq posting cerita ini ke beberapa milis

aq takjub dan senang ketika anakku 2,5 tahun unjuk gigi dihadapanku
dengan alat bantu baca tulis yang 1 tahun aq beli dl, anakku
memperagakan cetak A-Z dengan pola yang benar...hari pertama dia cetak
A dari atas turun ke bawah 2x lalu garis tengah....sampai

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Blog posted on 31-08-2018
That Singapore is one giant shopping mall is a fact I cannot deny, not when I have just recently visited and been swept off my feet by the Lion City. I shopped till I dropped, literally! I dropped on my hotel room bed, thankfully, but the happiness that came with packing bags upon bags of goodies to carry home cannot be replaced by any other.

Your shopping bonanza in Singapore