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Blog -- Cari: rumah sakit ibu dan anak woman and child

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Blog posted on 06-04-2007
PyTy Woman Ku

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Blog posted on 06-12-2012
MANFAAT PruMy Child 

manfaat sebelum kelahiran (kematian atas janin di masa kehamilan),
manfaat saat/setelah kelahiran (manfaat kelainan bawaan, manfaat perawatan di Intensive Care
Unit (ICU)/High Dependency Unit (HDU)/Inkubator,
manfaat kematian/cacat total dan tetap

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Blog posted on 18-05-2022

Women and  fashion style  are two things that cannot be separated. Fashion style is inherent in the daily life of a woman in appearance. This is a separate identity for a woman.

The fashion that is attached to him will form a distinctive characteristic of its own. The style can be formed from the use of the outfit to the accessories used. All of them

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Blog posted on 27-03-2007
Anak lelakiku.. Adrian Hisyam Ghani
My youngest child... my hero!!! mama, ayah dan kakak Nadine sayaaaaaang banget dan gemeeees banget sama pipimu yg chubby itu. We love u dede Ian

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Blog posted on 07-09-2011
Dear all,
sekedar ingin berbagi
lebaran tahun ini pembantu mudik nggak balik lagi
cukup membawa pengaruh besar krn saya juga harus bekerja di kantor
alhasil kepanikan sempat melanda, bisakah mengerjakan semuanya sendiri
mulai dari urus pekerjaan rumah tangga (masak, cuci baju, cuci piring, nyapu ngepel, dll), urus anak, kerja di kantor, bantu kerjaan suami

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Blog posted on 27-12-2018
Adolescence is a stage of change and sometimes of rebellion, so it can be difficult for a father to manage the relationship with a child of this age. In this vital period, adolescents can experience hormonal changes, situations of identity search and frustrations that can determine their behavior and the relationship with their loved ones.

The relationship with parents, due to

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Blog posted on 20-08-2009
Punya anak kecl yang sedang berkembang memang menakjubkan alias ada aja kelakuan dia yang bikin kita ketawa..
kemarin Fayyaz sedang berdua dengan bundanya membereskan baju, pertama memang fayyaz bantu2 bundanya yang beres beres baju setelah bosan merapikan baju terus diacak2 lagi baju yang sudah dibereskan...ketika dinasehati bundanya dia langsung kabur naik keatas kasur lalu lompat2 gak

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Blog posted on 05-09-2007
inilah gaya tidurku walaupun umurku baru 3 bulan.. aku udah bisa meluk guling... pules banget bobonya... enak nih bisa ditinggal beres-beres rumah...

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Blog posted on 20-08-2009
masih ingat sama 'child see child do ?', kajadian lagi nih sama si fayyaz, begini ceritanya : kemarin fayyaz minta dibuatkan coco cruch ( sereal ) plus susu oleh bundanya yang sedang repot , akhirnya dibuatkan sama bundanya coco crunch coklat plus susu, setelah dibuatkan kontan saja fayyaz langsung menyantapnya dan mengambil posisi di bangku sambil nonton tivi dan sibunda melanjutkan kegiatannya,

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Blog posted on 30-07-2007
Ini waktu aku udh dibawa plg dr rumah sakit sama mama

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Blog posted on 06-09-2009
sudah hampir seminggu (kurang 26 jam) sejak kejadian itu.. it's been the longest week ever!! hari-hari berjalan begitu lambat.. i could hardly remember what i've done the day before!

phew... to have lost ur foetus feels as if u've killed them urself, with ur own ego, not even crossed my mind that whatever i do with my body would definitely affect my foetus as well. i feel terribly

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Blog posted on 29-03-2008
Awalnya sich kepingin punya anak 2 saja cukup..., tapi setelah sekian tahun pikiran kami berubah. Rasanya rumah kami terasa sepi pada saat mereka sudah sekolah. Apalagi kalo ke RS n kami melihat baby.. so cute.. Akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk memiliki 3 Anak.

So mereka anak-anak yang paling ku cinta..., hahaha... walaupun banyak, tapi bersama mereka adalah moment yang paling

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Blog posted on 22-12-2010
There are many pregnancy symptoms and signs which may indicate that you are pregnant. Some are fairly obvious, such as missing your period, but even this may be caused by some other undelying problem. There are also some pregnancy symptoms that are not as obvious, unless you are specifically looking out for them. 

Am I Pregnant?

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Blog posted on 31-07-2010
I still can't forget the day I hardly earned my breath to strugle till I saw you,u just popped !
First time I touch your fingers, they r so tiny I almost think that they were boneless..
First time I touch your hair,so soft,beautiful hair colour..
First time I saw your wide eyes,and you look at me back..I feel like I'm the one who just born in this world..
Your skin

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Blog posted on 16-03-2007

Assalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
Hi, Everyone...
This is My Shabrina FIldzah Rahmah
There's nothing I can say to Allah the most beneficent and the most merciful unless the word Alhamdullilah for giving me Beautiful Wife & Daughter.
Now My Life is Perfect & so Much Happy with the Present of Shabrina.