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Blog -- Cari: model india ngangkang

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Blog posted on 29-08-2007
Cita-citaku kalo besar nanti mo jadi Foto Model terkenal, makanya pas aku di foto ama mama langsung deh begaya ...keren ga gayaku kayak foto model Profesional ya..

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Blog posted on 24-07-2007
mama aku pingin gaya nih kaya model- model keren pake kaca mata item plus smile ku yang bikin gemes keren kan ma

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Blog posted on 31-07-2007
hai temen-temen, ini pas haani ulang tahun pertama, lucu n seksi lho. Cita-cita haani pingin jadi model, ga mau kalah ama tante2 yg model itu lho ....

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Blog posted on 14-08-2008
Alhamdulillah, akhirnya Vania Cantika Aurellia masuk Grand Final Model Hunt 2008. Grand Final akan diadakan tanggal 24 Agustus 2008 di D'Best Fatmawati.Terimakasih buat semua Bunda & teman-teman yang telah mendukung selama ini.
Setelah deg-degan menunggu hasil pengumuman,akhirnya lega juga begitu diumumkan kalo Vania Cantika Aurellia lolos masuk 20 besar Finalis Model Hunt 2008.

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Blog posted on 25-03-2019
Journeying to fascinating places in India are for the rationale of relaxation and rejuvenation. Nevertheless, when you visit a noted vacationer destination, exceptionally for a long period, what do you in most cases find? Pricey accommodation, crowded vacationer locations and lengthy queues everywhere. These can be kept away from by taking the roads less travelled and not more-known holiday

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Blog posted on 10-09-2007
Cita-cita Asya pengen jadi super model...
Makanya dari umur 6 bulan udah mulai dikenalin ama yang namanya camera...
Tapi kalo Asya ketemu ama yang namanya camera, pasti tangannya langsung pengen ngambil, and next: tuh camera dibanting deh... Yang susah kan ibunya jadinya :(
Cameranya jadi rusak.. Tapi Asya bilang dia penasaran ama yang namanya hukum gravitasinya newton.. Lho?!

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
Commuters willing to travel from Guntur to Bangalore preferably opt for buses, as they are traveller-friendly mode of transportation. Recognised as one of the frequently taken bus route in Southern India, which is serviced by several renowned bus companies. Therefore, I took online bus tickets from redbus and travelled at ease from Guntur to Bangalore. This online portal helped to book tickets

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
Commuters willing to travel from Guntur to Bangalore preferably opt for buses, as they are traveller-friendly mode of transportation. Recognised as one of the frequently taken bus route in Southern India, which is serviced by several renowned bus companies. Therefore, I took online bus tickets from redbus and travelled at ease from Guntur to Bangalore. This online portal helped to book tickets

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Blog posted on 25-11-2014
Menggunakan busana muslim merupakan kewajiban bagi seorang muslimah, tak terkecuali bagi ibu hamil. Oleh karena itu, para desainer busana muslim memperhatikan model dan gaya busana muslim bagi ibu hamil. saat ini sudah banyak beraneka ragam model baju muslim bagi ibu hamil yang dijual dipasaran, sehingga terkadang membuat bingung ketika memilihnya. Untuk itu, alangkah baiknya jika bunda

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Blog posted on 24-02-2019
There are sure things in life that you should do individually, all by being independent for at least once in your whole life. India is an overwhelming nation where everybody certainly appreciates the disclosure. Voyaging Solo in India is procuring fame among the travel community continuously because of the sheer immediacy that accompanies it. The desire to find oneself alongside profound revival

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Blog posted on 03-07-2007
Aku suka Na di foto dan bergaya...And My mama sellau helping me..untuk mencarikan gayanya , Atau ngeditin semua foto2 aku ....Papa juga . I love you Mom n Dad for your support . -Adinda-.

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Blog posted on 25-06-2007
Ini foto gilbert waktu umur 7 bulan lho...dia senang sekali kalau difoto.mungkin sudah besarnya mau jadi model.

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Blog posted on 07-08-2008
Jumat malam tanggal 1 Agustus 2008,Bunda Shinta sudah siap-siap antar Aurell ke Jakarta. Awalnya mau bawa mobil Bunda Mama (Yang uti) ,tapi karena yang nyupir mendadak gak bisa ya berubah total deh rencananya.
Sabtu dini hari jam 2.00 WIB Bunda Shinta dianter Eyang Kung pergi st.Tawang untuk cari tiket kereta. Alhamdulillah dapet tiketnya KA. Argo Sindoro.
Jam 4.30 berangkat dr

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Blog posted on 12-09-2007
Nendra Liat sini donk ke bunda... ga ach bunda aku mo nya foto nya dari samping biar kaya foto model gitu bunda....tu kan keren aku liat hidung aku mancung kan bunda.....

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Blog posted on 19-01-2007