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Blog -- Cari: free download kata kata romantis radit d

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Blog posted on 19-01-2008
Ada-ada aja ya, tingkah laku batita itu.. bikin gemes! sampe kadang2 pengen gigit pipinya hehehe.. (sadis bener).

Beberapa hari terakhir ini, Radit (14 bln) selalu minta komputer dinyalakan. Setelah itu, dia akan pencet2 keyboard untuk melihat gambar2 yang ada di layar. Pengasuhnya bilang, Radit juga minta hal yang sama... menggandeng tangan pengasuhnya mendekati komputer, minta

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Blog posted on 16-02-2008
Moment menyusui adalah saat favorit buat mommy & Radit (15,5 bln). Moment yang indah, dan gak mungkin terlupakan.

Menyusui bukan hanya memberikan nutrisi yang penting bagi bayi, tapi juga memberikan rasa aman bagi bayi. Selain itu, akan terbentuk bonding antara ibu dan anak yang tak dapat digantikan oleh hubungan anak dengan siapapun, orang yg dekat dengan dia. Termasuk dengan

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Blog posted on 27-06-2007
ikutan yukss...soalnya br gabung nih...
namaku Radit...lengkapnya Radithya Eka Prananta...umurku br 4 bln...
aku anak pertama dr mama en ayahku...mamaku blg dia bahagia buangeettt wktu aku lahir kedunia...scr normal en sehat wal'afiat...kehadiran aku melengkapi kebahagiaan mama en ayahku...aduh senengnyaaa...
liat deh

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Blog posted on 21-07-2020
GAM pest control exterminator has so many years of experience in killing and removing pests such as beetles, bed bugs, roaches, ants, crickets, centipedes, earwigs, fleas, mice, rats, roaches, silverfish, spiders, yellow jackets, hornets, wasps. GAM Exterminators provide services in the following areas of New York: Rochester, Houston, Miami, Syracuse, Washington DC, and San Francisco. Our motto

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Blog posted on 21-07-2020
GAM pest control exterminator has so many years of experience in killing and removing pests such as beetles, bed bugs, roaches, ants, crickets, centipedes, earwigs, fleas, mice, rats, roaches, silverfish, spiders, yellow jackets, hornets, wasps. GAM Exterminators provide services in the following areas of New York: Rochester, Houston, Miami, Syracuse, Washington DC, and San Francisco. Our motto

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Blog posted on 21-07-2020
GAM pest control exterminator has so many years of experience in killing and removing pests such as beetles, bed bugs, roaches, ants, crickets, centipedes, earwigs, fleas, mice, rats, roaches, silverfish, spiders, yellow jackets, hornets, wasps. GAM Exterminators provide services in the following areas of New York: Rochester, Houston, Miami, Syracuse, Washington DC, and San Francisco. Our motto

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Blog posted on 21-07-2020
GAM pest control exterminator has so many years of experience in killing and removing pests such as beetles, bed bugs, roaches, ants, crickets, centipedes, earwigs, fleas, mice, rats, roaches, silverfish, spiders, yellow jackets, hornets, wasps. GAM Exterminators provide services in the following areas of New York: Rochester, Houston, Miami, Syracuse, Washington DC, and San Francisco. Our motto

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Blog posted on 21-07-2020
Miami is the city of the United States and it is the sixth densely populated city in America. According to a survey, the population of Miami in 2019 was 467,963. If you are looking for an exterminator near me in Miami then the following are the top pest control companies:

GAM Exterminating




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Blog posted on 09-09-2020
Getting rid of termites permanently is not an easy task. Termites are small insects that can spoil your wooden doors, windows, and other things gradually. Termites can fly and are also known as white ants or wood ants. Termites consume dead plant materials and cellulose generally in the form of wood, soil, leaf litter, or animal dung. Fertile female termites are called queens and fertile male

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Blog posted on 17-09-2020
Syracuse is an administrative center and the city of Onondaga, New York, United States of America. Syracuse is an educational and economic center of Central New York. If you are looking for pest control companies in Syracuse , the following are the top pest exterminators:




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Blog posted on 25-08-2020
San Francisco is the fourth most crowded city in California and the 16th most populous city in the United States of America. If you are looking for a rodents control in San Francisco , the following are the top exterminators:






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Blog posted on 08-03-2007
Nama anakku Valdan Inzaghi. Lahir 15 Agustus 2005. Vava, demikian ia biasa dipanggil. Memasuki usia tujuh bulan dia sudah bisa pegang gelas sendiri dan minum dengan gelas. Selanjutnya dia sudah bisa jalan ketika berusia 13 bulan. Kemudian tumbuh gigi seperti anak lainnya mulai enam bulan dan sekarang seluruh giginya sudah tumbuh termasuk geraham atas dan bawah.

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Blog posted on 26-10-2010

1. Lihat Kebunku

2. Pelangi - pelangi

3. Bintang Kecil

4. Ulang Tahun

5. Potong Bebek Angsa

6. 1 + 1

7. Bintang Kejora

8. Naik - Naik Ke Puncak Gunung

9. Bangun Tidur

10. Sayang

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2759 Member(s)

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Blog posted on 25-06-2007
siang-siang, mataharinya terik banget tapi saat papa bilang mo foto langsung deh aku kata papa itu mah bukan senyum tapi nyengir kepanasan...he..he..nggak pa-pa ya teman-teman yang penting aku difoto deh..he..he..kata mama aku candu foto sih...

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Blog posted on 01-09-2007
hai...tau nggak..... ini fotoku ama papa waktu lagi becanda becanda sebelum bobo. Trus, mama bilang,ada cecak....ada cecak....ih...angel tatut,pa...ngeyi...ngeyi...ih, geyi..ada cecak.... tapi,kata mama gak boleh takut ama cecak...cecak baik,jagain angel supaya gak digigik nyamuk,gitu kata mama.