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Blog -- Cari: aneka merk dan kualitas chopper dan food

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Blog posted on 01-02-2011
Assalamu'alaikum semuanya...

Lama tidak menyapa semua Mom di INfo bunda. Apa kabar semuanya>> semoga senantiasa sehat dan dalam dalam kebaikan yaaa. Amiiin

Perkenalkan jagoan kami yaaa namanya Muhammad Rafif Fawwaz Aufa Azhar biasa dipanggil Rafif. Makna nama ini adalah Orang terpuji dengan akhlaknya yg mulia dan meraih kemenangan serta keberuntungan dengan

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Blog posted on 15-01-2013
i got good news for you..

"i'm pregnant!!!! wew....." *shout loudly*

ahahahaa. i just couldnt believe that i have an unborn baby in my body.

i hope all that is well... i hope everything goes fun until the baby born to the world...

it's 6 weeks already...

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Blog posted on 30-10-2009
Putri kecilku yang manis.... membuat bunda jadi pusing tujuh keliling! dari semenjak bayi ampe sekarang menginjak usia hampir 2 (dua) tahun dia susah banget untuk dkasih susu formula, padahal aku bunda yang bekerja dari pagi hingga menjelang sore hari dan baru ketemu saat makan sore. jadi proses menyusui berlangsung saat menjelang senja. bisa dibilang menyusui itu hanya malam hari saja.

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Blog posted on 12-08-2016
Sekarang ini banyak beredar susu ibu hamil di pasaran. Banyaknya merk yang sudah beredar di satu sisi mempermudah ibu untuk mendapatkan susu tetapi di sisi lain membingungkan untuk memilihnya.

Banyak ibu hamil yang masih bingung menentukan susu yang tepat untuk dikonsumsi. Sehingga banyak yang mencoba merk satu dan pindah ke merk lainnya. Tindakan itu memang tidak dilarang

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
The days of being served up an uninspiring dish and a plate of mushrooms after you ask for something vegetarian are long gone. Whether or not your reasons for seeking out something vegetarian, organic or any combination of these are for health, within the interests of animal welfare or out of concern for the atmosphere, there are many choices here in Singapore.

Travel within

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
The days of being served up an uninspiring dish and a plate of mushrooms after you ask for something vegetarian are long gone. Whether or not your reasons for seeking out something vegetarian, organic or any combination of these are for health, within the interests of animal welfare or out of concern for the atmosphere, there are many choices here in Singapore.

Travel within

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
The days of being served up an uninspiring dish and a plate of mushrooms after you ask for something vegetarian are long gone. Whether or not your reasons for seeking out something vegetarian, organic or any combination of these are for health, within the interests of animal welfare or out of concern for the atmosphere, there are many choices here in Singapore.

Travel within

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
A bus journey to the Top Veg Restaurants in Singapore


The days of being served up an uninspiring dish and a plate of mushrooms after you ask for something vegetarian are long gone. Whether or not your reasons for seeking out something vegetarian, organic or any combination of these are for health, within the interests of animal welfare or out of concern

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
A bus journey to the Top Veg Restaurants in Singapore


The days of being served up an uninspiring dish and a plate of mushrooms after you ask for something vegetarian are long gone. Whether or not your reasons for seeking out something vegetarian, organic or any combination of these are for health, within the interests of animal welfare or out of concern

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Blog posted on 20-02-2019
A bus journey to the Top Veg Restaurants in Singapore


The days of being served up an uninspiring dish and a plate of mushrooms after you ask for something vegetarian are long gone. Whether or not your reasons for seeking out something vegetarian, organic or any combination of these are for health, within the interests of animal welfare or out of concern

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Blog posted on 21-11-2018
Buses are a remarkable approach to travel from Panvel to Surat. Essentially after, they (transport workers) take perfectly care of you. In venture with my own understanding of crossing to Surat was first evaluated. Together with a companion, I was once making a trip to Surat just to take a break from the tiring work presence. Surat is outstanding for its business focus of materials and jewels.

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Blog posted on 30-01-2008
***Muffin Kucing***
Bahan Muffin:
* 350 g tepung terigu
* 250 g mentega
* 115 ml air
* 2 g garam
* 220 g telur
* 1 sdt vanili bubuk
* 150 g gula pasir
* 8 g baking powder

* 200 g almond, haluskan

* 170 g gula icing

* 1 putir telur,

* 1 tetes esen almond

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Blog posted on 06-01-2009
Membolak balik album foto saat anak-anakku masih kecil adalah menu favorit saat waktu sedikit senggang. Kuamati foto-foto yg walaupun sudah ada yg umurnya 6 tahunan (foto bayi Luna) tapi masih bagus. Whuah!!!..... membesarkan mereka adalah perjuangan bagiku.

Maiza itu gendut banget waktu kecil, karena sampai usianya 26 bulan full ASI, sama sekali ga pake sufor. Aku jadi

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Working mom

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Blog posted on 02-11-2011
Amazing menjadi seorang ibu dari bayi laki2 Abrisam Abbasy lahir 16/08/11 umurnya sekarang 2.5 bulan dan beratnya sudah 6 kg lucu banget sampai pipinya tembem.Sangat menyenangkan lelah di kantor nga kerasa begitu pulang melihat si kecil, tapi kadang merasa bersalah meninggalkan baby ku di rumah untuk pergi kerja.Tapi ambil positifnya biar dia lebih mandiri tanpa momy yang selalu ada

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Blog posted on 10-01-2007
Ini foto anakku waktu qt jalan2 ke Ancol... kami mengunjungi beberapa tempat di sana, salah satunya Gelanggang Samudera.... Nah, di Gelanggang Samudera itu ada beberapa tempat yang bisa qt kunjungi, yaitu; pertunjukkan Lumba2, 4 Dimensi, Aneka Satwa 'n yg terakhir pertunjukkan dari Singa Laut. Di sini aku mo kasih liat foto anakku waktu dicium sama singa laut. Liat deh, dia merasa geli 'n