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Blog -- Cari: kontes cute baby girls

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Blog posted on 11-07-2010 bingung nih ma infobunda.. Aq udah ngirim poto via email ke matherandbaby buat kontes itu tuh tapi kok blm ada pemberitahuannya kalo poto yg kumasukin itu udah sampe apa blm ya??? Jangan2 gak nyampe lg padahal berharap bgt biswa menang.. Ya jadi 1000 pengirim pertama aja alhamdulillah bgt trus poto aq n babyku dimasukin kemajalah ato website infobunda...wah.. Senangna.. Tapi pas aq

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Blog posted on 29-03-2008
Awalnya sich kepingin punya anak 2 saja cukup..., tapi setelah sekian tahun pikiran kami berubah. Rasanya rumah kami terasa sepi pada saat mereka sudah sekolah. Apalagi kalo ke RS n kami melihat baby.. so cute.. Akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk memiliki 3 Anak.

So mereka anak-anak yang paling ku cinta..., hahaha... walaupun banyak, tapi bersama mereka adalah moment yang paling

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Blog posted on 15-11-2011
 being a mom is such a privilege. even i'm not giving birth yet, but i feel this. i feel my baby. i feel everything. i feel like i want to give my baby everything s/he needs! i want my baby to be healthy, i want him to be safe and warm. i want him to be okay. so i keep browsing and browsing for baby's best! i really don't want something ever happened to him. really.
may be this is

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Blog posted on 25-06-2007
Mbak cepetan dong motretnya, pegel neh. Biar ompong tapi Aldhaei tetap cute kan..? Pose..Click, keren sekale.

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Blog posted on 16-05-2007
Hello temen2, kenalin namaku Celine Eloise Wang. Mommy & Daddy manggil aku Celine. Aku sekarang udah 7 bulan lho. Udah 10 kg nih. Aku sdh bisa duduk dan main sendiri, sdg belajar merangkak dan sudah punya 2 gigi. Aku anak pertama dan juga cucu pertama di keluargaku. Semua orang sayang aku, apalagi aku sgt ceria dan suka senyum. Mudah-mudahan aku selalu sehat dan menjadi anak pintar dan bisa

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Blog posted on 05-09-2007
Aya is 2 and 9 months now.  She's just cute as she used to be. One thing that drives me mad.. is when the time to give her the medicine come.  She puts her little hands covering her mouth! I have never taught her that.. whom does it coming from???!!

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Blog posted on 29-08-2007
Aku lagi belajar gaya tanpa penata gaya loh. kalo teman teman tahu mamah ketawa waktu aku photo dengan gaya seperti ini

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Blog posted on 28-10-2008
Mmmm... It's been a long time I guess.. No blog, no upload pictures, no issue to post to forum, no chat, no activity of my membership here!! Miss to exist again :\'(

Since Asya still in my belly, now Asya is 20 months old, cute and sweet, Infobunda is one of my fave site to surf, to get information and knowledge about baby and stuffs..

Well, thanks to Infobunda..

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Blog posted on 02-01-2008
Dear Bunda2 yang cantik & Baby-Baby Cute-nya....

Sedih banget ngga jadi ikutan KOPDAR-PIM , lihat foto-fotonya seru banget dech...
Puan Sakit,aku bingung karena baru ini aku menghadapi Puan Sakit begitu, Panas & Diare...Panik Juga...Lihat Puan BAB terus , Panas Naik turun...

Baru Kemaren aku tenang, Puan udah ngga panas dan ngga Diare lagi dan siangnya aku

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Blog posted on 24-02-2011
Waktu itu saya masih ingat pada hari Sabtu, saya mengantar anak saya yang pertama (Resty, 7 thn) cabut gigi bersama suami dan anak bungsu saya (Karina, 10 bln). Seperti biasa sesampainya di tempat praktek dr. gigi, saya harus antri menunggu panggilan, saat itu anak2 saya sedang bercanda, berteriak2..senang rasanya. Tiba-tiba disaat terdiam...saya terdiam, suami saya terdiam anak2 saya terdiam,

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Blog posted on 11-07-2007

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Blog posted on 20-03-2013
In 1991, Elizabeth Taylor's White Diamonds was introduced to the planet and until currently, it's become the highest marketing celebrity fragrance for quite twenty years. Ever since that, additional celebrities have signed with fragrance firms to make their terribly own signature scent so advertise with the celebrity's name because the point. thus that celebrity fragrance is well worth the cash

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Blog posted on 15-06-2011
5 months 1 week pregnancy…..
I can feel my baby kicking and moving in my womb. Especially at night, he (as my doctor said) is very active, moving from one side to the other side. It feels “weird” sometimes but I enjoy it most of the time. If the baby is moving like 8 to ten moves per hour, it means your baby is healthy.

I do sexual intercourse

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Blog posted on 17-06-2011
hii bunda2..
hari ini 17juni 2011 udh lewat dari HPL yang d jadwalkan dokter..
Si baby masih aja betah di dalem perut aku belum mau keluar..aku cemas dan berpikir ap itu wajar atau aku yg ga sabar bertemu dg dia?
Cm kontraksi palsu yg tiap hari aku rasakan..
Aku mulai berpikir gimana kalau aku buat kontraksi alami sesuai kata org2,semua hampir sudah aku lakuin tp ya

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Blog posted on 19-08-2008
A miracle baby.. The Lord give me..
Very amazing feeling looking at the tiny critter is actually living inside me and I can't deny the love i feel for it is growing much stronger until she born..see detail her history in my Blog at
This is a miracle ...
I would like to thank for everybody who give me a courage..especially for my God and