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Blog -- Cari: stretch markch

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Blog posted on 06-01-2016
Info ibu hamil berikut ini semoga bisa membuat ibu tahu betapa hal-hal sepele yang mungkin ibu masih lakukan saat ini membahayakan janin. Ibu tidak sadar ada hal-hal kecil yang sepertinya lumrah atau biasa dilakukan tapi justru membahayakan janin dalam kandungan. Bahkan, bukan tidak mungkin janin akan mengalami keguguran.

Apa saja hal-hal sepele yang sebaiknya ibu

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Blog posted on 25-07-2016
Selain rasa senang, ada juga lho hal-hal yang dikhawatirkan seorang ibu setelah melahirkan. Dan terkadang hal ini membuat ibu tersebut stress dan merasa kebahagian menjadi seorang ibu hilang.

Untuk para calon ibu di luar sana, harus tahu informasi yang satu ini. Dengan mengetahui informasi ini, ­setidaknya ibu bisa melakukan persiapan atau antisipasi agar hal berikut ini

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Blog posted on 31-08-2018
That Singapore is one giant shopping mall is a fact I cannot deny, not when I have just recently visited and been swept off my feet by the Lion City. I shopped till I dropped, literally! I dropped on my hotel room bed, thankfully, but the happiness that came with packing bags upon bags of goodies to carry home cannot be replaced by any other.

Your shopping bonanza in Singapore

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Blog posted on 18-12-2018
That Singapore is one giant shopping mall is a fact I cannot deny, not when I have just recently visited and been swept off my feet by the Lion City. I shopped till I dropped, literally! I dropped on my hotel room bed, thankfully, but the happiness that came with packing bags upon bags of goodies to carry home cannot be replaced by any other. 

Your shopping bonanza

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Blog posted on 23-01-2019
Malaysia is a fantastic holiday destination for those wishing to have a good balance between modern comforts and a little of the unfamiliar. Although being a rapidly industrializing country, Malaysia consists of natural attractions, colonial towns and accessible street eateries majorly drawing numerous tourists all around the year.

Visiting a new country for a holiday can

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Blog posted on 23-01-2019
Malaysia is a fantastic holiday destination for those wishing to have a good balance between modern comforts and a little of the unfamiliar. Although being a rapidly industrializing country, Malaysia consists of natural attractions, colonial towns and accessible street eateries majorly drawing numerous tourists all around the year.

Visiting a new country for a holiday can

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Blog posted on 14-01-2010

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Blog posted on 05-06-2011

baru pertama kali bunda merasakan kehamilan, dah enam tahun lamanya kumenunggu dan kuimpi-impikan akhirnya Allah memberikan dan mengabulkan doa bunda dengan ucapan alhamdulilah robbil\'alamin slalu ku panjatkan kepada Allah SWT Yang Maha Kuasa semoga Allah slalu memberikan kesehatan dan keselamatan pada bunda dan buah hati bunda tak terlupakan mohon dukungan dan doa restu teman-teman

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Blog posted on 10-05-2007

// ***** Modify the messages here ***** //
Message = new Array(3);
Message[0]=\" Visit C Point \";
Message[1]=\" and download the latest tools \";
Message[2]=\" for JavaScript, Web development, and graphics/animation \";

var nCount = 0;
function rotateSpan1()